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Joomla Translation Services

A widely used open-source content management system, Joomla is a popular choice for developing online apps and building websites. The next logical step for thriving businesses is to go international, translating their Joomla apps and websites. That’s why Trusted Translations has a team of experienced linguists who are familiar with both PHP (the language used to write Joomla files), and its MySQL database.

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Translating Joomla Files

For a Joomla website or app to reach wider audiences through flawless localization, language packs are needed, and specific language files must be edited. Streamlining this multi-step process, the Trusted Translations project management team developed a step-by-step guide for their translators:

  • Download the target language pack from the Joomla website;
  • Log in to the Joomla administrator panel, unzip the language pack file and install it;
  • Navigate to ‘Languages’ and set the new target language as the default;
  • Locate the target language files and translate only the relevant strings.

Key values in language files may be edited, ensuring optimum user experiences among niche audiences requiring industry-specific terminology. For once-off or rare usages, overrides can alter regular constants or add new ones. Saving these modifications for subsequent use underpins across-the-board standardization of terms, even through successive upgrades and in multiple languages.

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A community organization expanded reach with multilingual Joomla content.
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A travel agency increased bookings by 30% through site localization.
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Trusted Translations helped a freelancer attract more clients with a localized portfolio.
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Higher Organic Rankings

Serving as brand mirrors, multilingual websites and other apps are gateways to global markets. In fact, providing certain content in local languages may even be a legal requirement in some places. By underpinning international expansion, they attract current and future customers, as well as partners and stakeholders.
The conversion rates of skillfully localized websites are often higher, as users tend to find brands more trustworthy when content is presented in ways that align with personal preferences. When communications align seamlessly with local customs and culture, visitors find it easier to follow instructions and complete designed actions.
When responding to specific cultural concerns and interests in local languages, companies build stronger communities around their brands. By demonstrating that these consumers are appreciated, multilingual websites and apps pave the way to long-lasting customer relationships.
At Trusted Translations, internet content is localized more frequently than merely translated. This includes adapting approaches and tweaking images and references, making sure that no offense is given, no matter how unwittingly. After all, it’s no secret that professionally translating Joomla files is an easy way of transforming websites and apps into powerful global engagement gateways.