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Bilingual Files Translation Services

Bilingual files are documents or files that contain text in two languages, often used for translation or localization purposes. They are also utilized in language learning to provide parallel text for students. Some international businesses also employ bilingual files to communicate with clients or partners in their native language.

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Usage Of Bilingual Files

Bilingual files can be used in various formats, such as Translation Memory files. Examples include XLIFF, TTX, and SDLXLIFF. XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format), TTX (Translation Memory Exchange), and SDLXLIFF (SDL Trados XLIFF) are all file formats used for exchanging and storing translation data.

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Trusted Translations helped a tech company reduce support queries by 30% through bilingual file translations.
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An author increased global e-book sales with our bilingual file services.
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Small businesses expanded into new markets with our bilingual translations.
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Bilingual Files Formats


XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) is an XML-based format utilized for exchanging translation data between various tools and systems. Serving as a standard format for translation memory and localization, it enjoys widespread adoption within the translation industry. XLIFF supports multiple file formats and translation memory, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration across platforms and software.


TTX (Trados Translation XML) is a proprietary format developed by SDL Trados, a renowned translation management tool. These files contain translation data and serve as a means for exchanging and storing translations. TTX is specifically tailored for storing and exchanging translation memory data within the SDL Trados ecosystem. Furthermore, it boasts support for advanced features such as formatting and segmentation, enhancing its utility for translation professionals.


SDLXLIFF (SDL XML Localization Interchange File Format) is another format developed by SDL, building upon the XLIFF standard. It serves as a means for exchanging translation data and has compatibility with SDL Trados and other translation tools. As a variant of XLIFF developed by SDL Trados, SDLXLIFF amalgamates the strengths of both XLIFF and TTX. Notably, it supports advanced features such as formatting, segmentation, and translation memory, enhancing its versatility and utility in translation workflows. These file formats find application in diverse translation and localization workflows, including translation memory tools, computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, localization management systems, and machine translation integration. Translation memory (TM) files are repositories that store translated content in a specific format, facilitating efficient reuse and sharing of translations across various projects and tools.